Our Service
$90-150 / Service*
*New Case $150-200
Dr. Uchida strongly believes that a combination therapy such as manual therapy and acupuncture / chiropractic treatments is very effective.
Treatment / 施術内容
- Chiropractic service / カイロプラクティックサービス
- Soft tissue treatment (muscle, tendon, fascia, nerve, ligament) / 軟部組織治療(筋肉、腱、筋膜、神経、靭帯)
- Acupuncture moxibustion / 鍼灸治療
Symptoms / 症状
- Joint pain (neck, TMJ, shoulder, wrist, fingers, spine, pelvis, hip, knee, ankles, and toes) / 関節の痛み(首、肩、手首、指、背骨、骨盤、股関節、膝関節、足関節、足趾など)
- Limited Joint movement / 関節の可動域制限
- Ligamentous injuries / 靭帯損傷
- Fascitis / 筋膜炎
- Nerve impingement / 神経障害
- Sciatica / 坐骨神経痛
- Fractures / 骨折
- Trigger fingers / ばね指
- Pre and Post surgery / 手術前・手術後
- Pre and post childbirth / 産前・産後
- Numbness・tingling / しびれ・ピリピリ感
- Post stroke / 脳卒中後遺症
- Scoliosis / 脊柱側弯症
- Trauma care / 外傷治療
- Others

X-ray examination / X線検査
Varied/ Service*
We have a state of the art digital x ray suite with the one of the most modern imaging systems available today. The x-rays taken here allow Dr. Uchida to accurately visualize the condition of the spine and extremities and guide the patient in determining the most effective course of treatment for her patients.
*Fee / 料金
X-rays typically cost about $100-$600 at our facility. Actual X-ray cost depends on the part of the body being X-rayed and the number of views taken.
The average cost is $100-$300.
In case of emergency, we offer an unique urgent care package plan covering conditions such as fractures.
No insurance accepted.

Sports Mental Coaching
Dr. Uchida is a certified Sports Mental Coach in Japan. She will support you to get your ultimate outcomes.